Matt Wenning’s Recommended Supplement Stacks: 12 ATP Lab Supplements To Take Weekly

ATP Gluco Control

Blood Sugar Protocol

It’s no secret that in our opinion obesity and type 2 diabetes have run wild. Not only in our country — but around the world. Perhaps you know someone who has been impacted.

Or maybe it’s you.

Part of this epidemic is due to blood sugar getting out of control and being stored as fat. But Matt Wenning can help. Along with diet changes, he has a supplement protocol that can help keep you where you need to be — easier and quicker.

Check out the information below, where he goes over what supplements you should take and when. If you’d like more information, click the hyperlinks.

In the Morning with Breakfast

ATP Gluco Control

Quantity: 1-2 Capsules (NOTE: Capsule amount varies per individual.)

One of the biggest factors in weight gain and metabolic disease is unhealthy glucose levels in the bloodstream.

When blood glucose levels are too high, it gets stored as fat and can cause certain people to become insulin resistive. Gluco Control can aid in maintaining level and healthy levels of good glucose that keep you at your best.

Taking this with meals is ideal. It doesn’t *have* to be with breakfast. But since mealtime is when you should ingest this, we’ll repeat this information below for the lunch section.

ATP Gluco Control

ATP Total Defense

Quantity: 2 Capsules (NOTE: Capsule amount varies per individual.)

There are several nutrients throughout the body that are necessary for a health metabolism and lifestyle. Total defense is the way to make sure you have all your bases covered between a busy lifestyle and changes in your habits.

ATP PreBioFib

Quantity: 1 Scoop (NOTE: Powder amount varies per individual.)

A healthy digestive tract is key to maintaining a health body composition. To make sure things are moving along they should, PreBioFib acts as source of fiber to maintain proper digestion.

Mid-Day with Lunch

ATP Gluco Control

Quantity: 1-2 Capsules (NOTE: Capsule amount varies per individual.)

(We told you we’d put this back on the options again.) One of the biggest factors in weight gain and metabolic disease is unhealthy glucose levels in the blood stream.

When blood glucose levels are too high, the glucose gets stored as fat and can cause certain people to become insulin resistive. Gluco Control can aid you in maintaining level and healthy levels of good glucose that keep you at your best.

Supreme Beef Protein

This protein power not only has a high amount of protein per serving with MINIMAL CARBS, it is made of beef collagen and broth. That means there is no dairy in the protein powder whatsoever.

By utilizing this different type of protein, bloating and other digestive distress that many have with normal protein powders is minimized.

ATP’s Supreme Beef makes it easier to get your blood glucose levels under control by ensuring you get enough protein in your diet; it works with your digestive tract rather than against it.

In the Evening with Dinner

ATP Synermag

Quantity: 2-4 Capsules (NOTE: Capsule amount varies per individual.)

The miracle supplement magnesium is responsible for more than 300 metabolic processes in the body.

One of them is helping maintain level glucose levels in the bloodstream. People with type 2 diabetes tend to be magnesium-deficient, making it even harder to maintain healthy blood glucose levels.

And that’s when Synermag becomes so important.

This is also made with a different form of magnesium that is not commonly found in the United States called magnesium glycinate. It costs a bit more to produce, but it allows for optimal absorption and utilization throughout the body!

Tactical Protocol

This is the supplement protocol Matt uses with all of the firefighters, policeman, and military personnel he trains.

After working with the tactical population for over a decade, our team has noticed most of them have similar issues: They never get enough sleep, their testosterone levels drop, and their body fat increases over time.

Here, we lay out the supplements that every tactical athlete should be taking and why they should be taking them:

In the Morning with Breakfast

ATP Total Defense

Quantity: 2 Capsules (NOTE: Capsule amount varies per individual.)

Total Defense is a multivitamin that covers all the essential and necessary vitamins to make sure you are not lagging in any areas.

Between depleted mineral levels in the soil our food is grown in and the higher demands that the tactical field has on the body, we recommend total defense to make sure you’re covered!

ATP Lab Total Defense

ATP Neuroprime

Quantity: 3 capsules with breakfast and 3 capsules with lunch for sustained energy and focus. (NOTE: Capsule amount varies per individual.)

Neuroprime is meant to give you a clean feeling of mental clarity as well as focus.

In the tactical realm, we deal with a lack of sleep that can give us brain fog at the times we need to be most alert. Neuroprime is the key to keeping your focus when it matters the most.

Another important note: When taken in the morning, Neuroprime has helped many stimulate their natural growth hormone production.

ATP Synerzinc

Quantity: 2 Capsules (NOTE: Capsule amount varies per individual.)

Low testosterone levels have been a growing epidemic among general population, but even more so in the tactical population.

We often see this due low levels of zinc, which helps produce and maintain healthy levels of testosterone.

In the Evening with Dinner

ATP Synermag

Quantity: 2-4 Capsules (NOTE: Capsule amount varies per individual.)

When it comes to supplements, magnesium is king since it is responsible for more than 300 metabolic processes in the body.

The two main reasons we recommend magnesium for our tactical populations is recovery and body composition.

Magnesium helps the brain calm down and allows the body to prepare itself by going into a deeper sleep. On top of that, it can help blood glucose levels stay under control — rather than spike and be stored as fat.

Overall, this helps our tactical athletes stay in the game when it matters most!


It’s your body and your life. Matt and the team want to make you can keep them as healthy and strong as possible. If you have questions, we have answers.

Connect with us. We’d love to hear from you.

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